Tag Archives: independent

Make Kindness Great

What are you most worried about for the future?

I know, as a Christian, we shouldn’t worry. So, I’ll say my concern is the increasing levels of unkindness. There are many things that concern me, like generations with no desire to know God.

God is kind, so the lack of desire to know Him will obviously contribute to a society that’s less kind. And it doesn’t help that we place on pedestals leaders who exhibit no characteristics of kindness. In fact, we glorify the leaders who most acknowledge the fact that they aren’t kind.

I’ve set it once, and I’ll say it again. Can we make kindness great again?

When people ask me who I’m voting for I answer with this:

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! – Galatians 5:22‭-‬23 NLT

Do you know anybody at least working towards this?

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Filed under Christianity, Encouragement, God, Relationships, Sin

Can’t We All Just Get Along

I hate politics. I didn’t used to, but I really do now. Get this, I teach Government class, but the plus is that I teach how the government is supposed to function.

Why does it seem like everyone is so mean? Where is the heart to see others prosper and grow? I’m not talking about handouts, but humility in our leaders. And it’s our fault as the people too. We’ve put leaders on pedestals, expecting them to have all the answers, so when they don’t, it’s way too much pride in them to simply admit, “I don’t have the solution now, but I want your help in finding it.”

People wouldn’t vote for the humble leader. I think we see that with every election cycle. Whoever is offensive or giving handouts or anything that we personally like, we want. Most people don’t vote with a view of society as a whole in their ballots.

So for the future politician out there, I just want you to consider Romans 12. For the future voter consider Romans 12. And for goodness sake, Christians consider romans 12!

Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. – Romans 12:18 NLT

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes admitting that you don’t have it all figured out may work in your favor. There may be an element of peace to humbly acknowledging your humanity and admittedly working towards the solutions with others. Bipartisanship isn’t bad, I think it’s necessary.

This verse isn’t saying compromise your Christianity and beliefs, but that where you can get along, do. A person is more likely to hear you when they’ve seen you trying to live at peace with others than when you’re constantly in opposition. Think about that.

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Filed under Christianity, Encouragement, God, Mistakes, Thanksgiving, Wrong