Value You

Value you. I think that’s my phrase for 2022. Value you. In fact, value you enough…

Value you enough to say no to anything that doesn’t recognize your importance or significance. And value you enough to say yes to what does recognize and respect you.

Value you enough to know that you deserve a healthy life. You deserve mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. So value yourself enough to reject anything that doesn’t promote that in your life.

Value you enough to keep and seek those God-given dreams. Yet, value you enough to let go of those self-centered, merely self-gratifying ones. Seek to serve rather than be served, seek to value others as you learn to value you.

Value you enough to know you deserve a better relationship. Value you enough to know you’re worth it. You’re worth the wait, you’re worth the time, and you’re worth the sacrifice.

Simply, value you. As long as you devalue yourself others will too. But once you actually start to value yourself, you start to surround yourself with others that do too. I’ll just close with one of my favorite authors, Og Mandino.

“I am rare, and there is value in all rarity; therefore, I am valuable.”

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Filed under Encouragement, Mistakes, Thanksgiving

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