Tag Archives: curse

Watch “Job 2” on YouTube

Job’s wife should’ve been rejoicing for being married to such a godly man.

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Filed under Christianity, Encouragement, God, Mistakes, Relationships, Sin, Thanksgiving, writing, Wrong

Don’t Limit a Limitless God

How dare I believe in the idea that I just need to get by this year. That is not of You, God. That’s not who You are. You are not a God of well if you can just make it through type thinking. That is toxic, impure thinking.

In fact, I believe it is a curse to think like. You are a God that could produce the plagues upon Egypt, You are a God that parted the Red Sea, You are a God that sent a part of You here, to earth to live and to die and to be resurrected, and to sit at Your right hand of honor. You are a God that allowed His death and His blood to wash away all of my sins and separate them as far as the east is from the west. You are a God that knows everything that I’ve done and has forgiven and loved me, even though…

It is impossible to believe You are that God and to have a toxic mindset that I’m just gonna get by this year. You are not a God of just getting by. And to think that You are and treat You as if You are is a blasphemy upon Your character as Jehovah, as Adonai, as El-Shaddai, as God. And here and now, I reject the thought process that would even begin to believe that as long as I can just get by with my finances, as long as I can just get by in my relationship, as long as I can just get by in my job, I’m going to be doing OK. No.

A just getting by mentality creates limitations on a limitless God.

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Filed under Christianity, Encouragement, God, Sin, Wrong

Your Story : By God

Can I be honest? I think one of the most thrilling parts of living a Christian lifestyle is your story. Every Christian has a unique story about how God lifted them out of their own filth and mire, and cleaned them up. And there is a certain beauty in storytelling that I think everyone should acknowledge.

I think it’s great that God knows how my story is going to end. Whenever I’m truly struggling and wondering what now, it is always great to be reminded of the fact that I am in a story that ends well. No matter how bad my day seems or how wrong things go, my story ends with an Eternity with God. What news could possibly come that would ruin the high of knowing that?

My cousin is working on an at-home documentary, called Curse Breakers. It is about breaking the curse of obesity in her family. Dare I say, I’ve been inspired. (Shout out to Maya!) Anyway, it has really made me think about my own story. As we know, I’m having surgery on my ACL. In the midst of starting a new job, a new year, and declaring my new resolution being to complete a couple of 5 k’s, I have to have surgery on my knee. So not ideal!

But, with my cousin’s motivation, there’s no reason why I can’t have my own comeback story. If having surgery and being able to get back into a fit life is what is going to give God the most glory, then this is actually a good thing. Why not share that?

Just because something is happening in my life that I didn’t plan for doesn’t mean that it has to be all bad. When we ask God to use us in the capacity that is going to best glorify Him, we need to be aware of the fact that it isn’t always going to be under the conditions and terms that we choose. Sometimes the best way I can glorify God is to go through something unexpected to be able to help others get through it as well.

I love that God is telling a beautiful story on my behalf. After all, He is the better writer.

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Filed under Christianity, Encouragement, God